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[ A |  B |  C |  Illegal mix of collations (utf8mb4_unicode_ci,IMPLICIT) and (utf8_unicode_ci,COERCIBLE) for operation 'like'
Illegal mix of collations (utf8mb4_unicode_ci,IMPLICIT) and (utf8_unicode_ci,COERCIBLE) for operation 'like'
 |  D |  E |  F |  G |  H |  I |  I |  K |  L |  M ]
[ N |  O |  Illegal mix of collations (utf8mb4_unicode_ci,IMPLICIT) and (utf8_unicode_ci,COERCIBLE) for operation 'like'
Illegal mix of collations (utf8mb4_unicode_ci,IMPLICIT) and (utf8_unicode_ci,COERCIBLE) for operation 'like'
 |  P |  R |  S |  Illegal mix of collations (utf8mb4_unicode_ci,IMPLICIT) and (utf8_unicode_ci,COERCIBLE) for operation 'like'
Illegal mix of collations (utf8mb4_unicode_ci,IMPLICIT) and (utf8_unicode_ci,COERCIBLE) for operation 'like'
 |  T |  U |  Illegal mix of collations (utf8mb4_unicode_ci,IMPLICIT) and (utf8_unicode_ci,COERCIBLE) for operation 'like'
Illegal mix of collations (utf8mb4_unicode_ci,IMPLICIT) and (utf8_unicode_ci,COERCIBLE) for operation 'like'
 |  V |  Y |  Z ]

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Eklenme: 17-04-2005
Yazar: Hüseyin Sabri SOYYÝÐÝT
Hit: 3548
[ Geri dn | Bu lahiyi arkadana gnder Sevdiklerinize gnderin | Yazdrlabilir sayfa Yazdrn ]

Bir Ayet

6.80. Kavmi onunla tartýþmaya giriþti. Onlara dedi ki: Beni doðru yola iletmiþken, Allah hakkýnda benimle tartýþýyor musunuz? Ben sizin O'na ortak koþtuðunuz þeylerden korkmam. Ancak, Rabbim'in bir þey dilemesi hariç. Rabbimin ilmi herþeyi kuþatmýþtýr. Hâla ibret almýyor musunuz?

[ En'am Sûresi:80]

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