[ A |
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Illegal mix of collations (utf8mb4_unicode_ci,IMPLICIT) and (utf8_unicode_ci,COERCIBLE) for operation 'like' Illegal mix of collations (utf8mb4_unicode_ci,IMPLICIT) and (utf8_unicode_ci,COERCIBLE) for operation 'like' |
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[ N |
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Illegal mix of collations (utf8mb4_unicode_ci,IMPLICIT) and (utf8_unicode_ci,COERCIBLE) for operation 'like' Illegal mix of collations (utf8mb4_unicode_ci,IMPLICIT) and (utf8_unicode_ci,COERCIBLE) for operation 'like' |
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Illegal mix of collations (utf8mb4_unicode_ci,IMPLICIT) and (utf8_unicode_ci,COERCIBLE) for operation 'like' Illegal mix of collations (utf8mb4_unicode_ci,IMPLICIT) and (utf8_unicode_ci,COERCIBLE) for operation 'like' |
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Illegal mix of collations (utf8mb4_unicode_ci,IMPLICIT) and (utf8_unicode_ci,COERCIBLE) for operation 'like' Illegal mix of collations (utf8mb4_unicode_ci,IMPLICIT) and (utf8_unicode_ci,COERCIBLE) for operation 'like' |
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13.14. El açýp yalvarmaya lâyýk olan ancak O'dur. O'nun dýþýnda el açýp dua ettikleri onlarýn isteklerini hiçbir þeyle karþýlamazlar. Onlar ancak aðzýna gelsin diye suya doðru iki avucunu açan kimse gibidir. Halbuki (suyu aðzýna götürmedikçe) su onun aðzýna girecek deðildir. Kâfirlerin duasý kuþkusuz hedefini þaþýrmýþtýr.